KGETS Tungsten Conflict Minerals Activity Summary
Date: Aug. 31, 2018
- Period: Jan. 01, 2018 ~ Aug. 31, 2018
- Major Activities A -
Establishment Policy of Tungsten Conflict Minerals
Posted KGETS conflict minerals policy on KGETS website and Educate new suppliers with a pledge
Internal Education and on-site work related to conflict minerals policy, Education records
Joined KUMA & Applied conflict minerals active smelter and Audit
Joined KUMA (Korea Urban Mining Association). Be informed RMI policy, applied active smelter
Filled out Line Item Summary and forwared RMI to get qualified active smelter
On-going for RMI-audit with UL Korea( Sep. 10, 2018)
Recorded Raw material suppliers list and Tungsten raw material I/O, Tungsten Oxide sales data, etc.
Writing and filing for new partners registration assessment
tungsten business partner registration review
Received new enterprises evaluation data
Recorded Tungsten raw material I/O, Tungsten Oxide sales data
Audit Preparation
Prepared Line Item summary data and other procedures data submission, etc.
- Major Activities B–
1. Company management system
a. Supply chain policy: KGETS established conflict minerals policy, posted ENG/KOR version of the related policy on website. As active smelter qualification, KGETS is waiting for Audit assessment (by UL Korea, 10-09-2018) with listed RMI.
b. The Executives structure and responsibility : KGETS is a listed company, conflict minerals policy is in operation under the sign and seal of CEO and Documenting its operation with full responsibility.
c. Control and Transparency system : As having ISO 9001 & ISO14001, OHSAS 18001, we are in operation with all process and work under the related procedures. When changes occur, we operates all procedures with control transparency system under the approval of CEO through the internal consultation.
d. Record organizing system: Recorded and operated by procedures and ERP computer system.
2. Risk assessment
a. Risk assessment process and methodology, results : According to the procedure, pre-training and prevention of recurrence, operation of accusation system of dangerous group. After the process and the result, the records management is in operation.
b. Methodologies, practices and information identified through on-site assessment : The on-site assessment results are in accordance with the procedures, raw materials receipt to finished product sales can be identified.
3. Risk management
a. Risk mitigation strategies : From the first stage, we buy after the site inspection to preventing warehousing of conflict minerals (such as distinction of color and so on), received the pledge of KGETS conflict minerals policy (if not attached, restrictive business practices), giving an extra point attending conflict minerals policy education at least once a year.
b. The persons concerned participation : On-Operation inquiry banner for all suppliers of raw materials suppliers and distributors on the KGETS’s website.
c. The explanation for the effort of Tracking and monitoring progress : All procedures can be tracked and monitored from buying raw materials to the last sale stage for risk management.