Bio Fuel Oil

Conventional Bunker-C refers to eco-friendly fuels mixed and manufactured with cashew nut oil, palm oil and other copper and vegetable oils as alternative fuels. Following the implementation of the RPS system for renewable energy in 2012, Bio fuel oil was defined as renewable energy in order to promote introduction of generation companies, and in January, 2014, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce announced the promotion of dissemination

Bio Fuel Oil
Items Specification Items Specification
Flash point Min 70 Kinematic viscosity at 50℃ 15~80
Micro carbon reisdue Max 10 Sulfur MAX 0.05
Ash Max 0.10 Copper strip
corrosion at 50℃ for 3h
Pour point Max 27 Density at 15℃ MAX 991
Water Max 0.3 Total Acid Number MAX 25
NA Max 70 Ca MAX 30
K Max 70 Iodine value MAX 120
Nitrogen MAX 0.3 V MAX 50
Gross Calorific value Min 9,000 Water and sediment MAX 0.5
Si+Al+Fe MAX 200 P MAX 100